
2023 Definitive Guide to Small Business Advertising/Marketing

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Small Business Advertising and Marketing Guide

Marketing is an indispensable ingredient for every small business that must thrive in a dominated market. The survival or failure of any small business depends on its ability to attract new customers, and attracting and growing a customer base is guaranteed by an effective marketing strategy. 

You can only go so far with word of mouth. Without outstanding marketing efforts, your business will continue to experience a slower rate of growth or even a decline, no matter how great your products and services are. 

Finding the best marketing strategy is essential for any small business, regardless of how long it has been in operation or how recently it was founded.

Marketing aims to identify the ideal customer base for your products or services and use the best advertising strategies to appeal to that audience.

This small business marketing guide will enlighten you on developing scalable marketing strategies and leveraging digital advertising to grow your business, gain new customers, and boost sales.

About Sociallybuzz:

Sociallybuzz is a leading social media marketing, management, and digital advertising agency for small and medium-sized businesses. With over 12 years of experience, we know how to create and execute marketing campaigns that will help you grow your business. Our social media agency specializes in using the power of social media to create highly targeted campaigns designed to get you more customers and sales.

Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses 

Marketing for small businesses involves utilizing all the marketing disciplines and platforms available to raise awareness of your services and products within your target market.

The two primary marketing goals are increasing brand recognition and generating leads that convert into sales. 

The following are marketing strategies for small businesses.

Develop a brand identity

Defining your brand serves as the basis for all marketing. Who does your business benefit, and what values and offerings make it stand out from competitors? Answering these questions helps you establish your company’s position in the market. 

Create a brand narrative explaining how and why you started the business. While your brand tone, typography, and logo are necessary elements for brand identity, your brand story is the binding agent for everything.

Why should buyers choose your products and services? There is no compelling reason for a buyer to purchase from you if there is no distinction between you and your competitors. Create a value proposition that distinguishes you from competitors in your industry and convinces potential customers that you are the brand they should choose. 

Read our ultimate guide to social media branding.

Define your target market

Audience research: Sociallybuzz.com: social media marketing agency for small businesses

The riches are in niches. Everybody cannot be your audience. Define and narrow down your market. Start by considering your current customers and who you want to connect with. 

Next, begin putting yourself in the shoes of your potential customers by developing a buyer persona. By creating a buyer persona, you develop a realistic representation of your ideal customer. Collect enough data and information to create an authentic buyer persona. 

What drives their purchasing decisions? Where do they spend their time? How do they like to buy things? What kind of research do they conduct, and how much of it is beneficial to them? In what ways do they engage with brands? What type of relationship do they prefer?

Understanding these factors will enable you to create messaging that appeals to your target market. Focus on the essential and knowable facts only. 

Check out the best audience to target on facebook.

Create a marketing budget

Creating a marketing budget allows you to make the most out of your marketing strategies at the level you are. 

It’s important to decide how much money you are and are not willing to spend before beginning any marketing campaign. There are more expensive marketing avenues than others, and marketing can get costly if you don’t prioritize and plan. 

List all the costs involved in executing your marketing strategy, and then think about how to best distribute your budget among them. You’ll need people and marketing tools to achieve your goals. 

Generally, If a small business’s annual revenue is $5 million or less, it should spend 5% on marketing; if it is over $5 million, it should spend 8%.

If the small business’s annual revenue is barely $100,000, its marketing budget should be around $5,000, or $416.67 a month.

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Choose marketing channels

Marketing channels are the various means of reaching your target audience. Don’t just subscribe to a channel because your competitors have or because it’s hot off the press. No matter how hard you try, some channels won’t be effective for your business. 

Selecting the best channels for marketing your small business will be easy if you already have a target market and buyer persona. Use this predictive model: “How will your prospective customer buy this type of product?” to choose your best marketing channels.

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Utilize content marketing

After you’ve chosen your marketing channels, the following line of action is to draft your messaging strategy. The effectiveness of your marketing channels will mainly depend on your messaging strategy. Find your audience where they are and build your messaging to speak to them.

You can gain and increase your following on YouTube by posting helpful videos about your brand or line of business that appeal to your target market. You can boost organic inbound traffic to your website by writing blog entries that respond to queries people are searching for on Google.

Though it seems simple, it takes a great deal of upfront labor, but once you invest in creating quality content, it may last a lifetime. You have to continue growing and getting better. 

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Measure your impact and make adjustments

Set up analytics for your marketing and advertising efforts. Not all marketing campaigns become successful. Before you start using any digital marketing channel, ensure you can measure that channel’s impact and effectiveness.

The concept of “set it and forget it” does not apply to marketing. As you gain more knowledge about your target audience, media consumption, and purchasing patterns, it necessitates ongoing monitoring and modifications. Take note of your marketing messages that are received well and those that could be better, as well as your most effective channels, and be prepared to make adequate adjustments. 

As you grow your small business and your marketing plan improves, you should spend money on an email marketing platform or a customer relationship management platform. 

Although there are many different analytics tools available, you can start with these two platforms if you’re just getting started: Google Search Console and Google Analytics.

Advertising Options for Small Businesses 

There are many low-cost marketing options available for small businesses—the following lists effective digital marketing options to help you expand your business.

Google advertising options

Google is not only a search engine. It provides marketing and advertising solutions for small businesses. The two marketing options at the center of Google’s marketing offerings for small businesses are Search engine marketing (SEM) and Google My Business (GMB). 

The SEM option utilizes the keywords on search engine queries. Small businesses use SEM to pay for text ads so that their websites rank high on Google search results when people search for related keywords. You only get to pay when a customer clicks your ad and visits your website.

The GMB option allows you to manage and enhance your small business by providing your business information when you create a free account. It gives you control over your online presence throughout Google and helps your business stand out from the competition.

Given that a sizable portion of people uses Google, a sizable audience can view and access your profile. The more your visibility is, or the more frequently your company appears in search results, the more likely people will notice you.

Additionally, you can read customer reviews, respond to them, and get information like the number of customers Google referred to your business.

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Build a business website

Customers arrive at your website via online tactics like a Google search or an email marketing campaign.

A business website is a fundamental marketing tool for reaching today’s digitally-oriented consumer. A website acts as your business’s catalog, informing visitors about what you offer and the benefits of doing business with you.

Make sure your website is built for search engines, that is to say, integrate search engine optimization (SEO) because customers frequently use search engines like Google to find businesses like yours. SEO concerns the technical aspects of how your site is built and the kind of content it contains. 

Also, ensure your website is mobile-friendly. Since most people use mobile devices so frequently for Internet activities, it’s more crucial than ever that your website functions properly on tablets and smartphones. Potential customers can leave your website if it’s poorly designed for mobile navigation. 

There are various ways to set up a website that doesn’t cost a fortune or require technical expertise.

Email marketing

Email marketing: Sociallybuzz.com

Email marketing is a type of direct marketing. It involves directly reaching out to your target audience, just like delivering flyers to neighboring residents.

Email marketing is one of the most widely used direct-response marketing strategies. Any kind of business including small businesses can use this marketing strategy. For example, a retailer can use email marketing for e-commerce, while an insurance company can send out email newsletters with helpful tips like home security.

Email marketing offers the advantage of customizing emails for various consumer segments. You can send new customers a welcome email to build a relationship. You can send existing customers a thank-you email and a discount to encourage more purchases.

Unlike a generic email, personalized messaging is much more effective at grabbing busy consumers’ attention. Customized emails allow customers to engage with them and eventually buy the products and services you offer. 

You can buy an email to get potential customers’ email addresses or manually collect the emails by asking customers to sign up as you grow your customer base.

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Social media marketing

Why Small Businesses Need Social Media

See why social media is important for small businesses.

Social media should be your first option if time and financial constraints force you to pick only one marketing strategy. Social media has low cost, and it’s effective.

Social media has developed into a successful marketing strategy for small businesses. Social media platforms like Facebook have extensive customer analytics and data insights, making it simple to locate users that suit your ideal customer profile and target your advertising to this group.

Choose the appropriate social channels depending on your business because not every social media network will suit your business. For instance, LinkedIn may be a better option than Pinterest for B2B marketing. 

You start with Facebook. It is one of the largest social networks in the world. Create a system of responding to messages promptly. Promptly responding to comments or complaints shows that you take customer service seriously.

Video marketing

VIDEO MAARKETING - sociallybuzz

Video content consumption is at an all-time high, and customers use videos to decide what to buy. 

According to Forbes, 90% of shoppers agree that videos influence their purchasing decisions. 64% of people claim that watching videos increases their purchase likelihood. Companies that use video in their marketing experience a 41% boost in search traffic compared to those that don’t.

A video provides viewers with in-depth information on a product or service and graphics illustrating the benefits offered. A study revealed that 65% of people are visual learners. 

Video marketing offers a variety of options to promote your business. An instructional or how-to video is ideal if you sell a complex product. A B2B service like an accounting firm or software company could come off as uptight, so make your company look more human by creating an emotional movie that tells the unique history of your business.

Video ads perform best when it is humorous and brief. Depending on the topic, keep your video to one minute or less. While a video ad should be one minute or less, a how-to video might be longer. Making an engaging video that engages your audience is still practical despite the little time available.

Inbound marketing


Inbound marketing is a planned method for producing helpful content that meets the demands of your target markets and fosters lifelong customer relationships. 

Inbound marketing gradually deepens customer relationships by fostering trust and providing value through a range of digital content. This content brings customers to your business.

It is only effective if the customers receive value from the content. If you lack experience in content writing, you can use a different content strategy, like webinars or videos. It will naturally give customers the degree of quality they seek if you share the type of content you are good at. 

You will need a way to nurture and track these leads as they advance to the next stage of the sales funnel as consumers come to you for your helpful content.

Wrapping Up

A small business marketing strategy is like a handbook for generating significant returns on investment for your business. 

Using the marketing and advertising guide in this article will ensure you give marketing a high priority in your small business. 

Marketing is an experimental process that involves increasing your revenue, gaining devoted customers, having the ability to hire more employees, and opening additional marketing channels. 

Analyze the outcomes using marketing measures like ROI to determine whether a strategy is successful. Attempt a different approach if one doesn’t work for you. Keep improving your marketing techniques until you find one that works best for your business.

About Sociallybuzz:

Sociallybuzz is a leading social media marketing, management, and digital advertising agency for small and medium-sized businesses. With over 12 years of experience, we know how to create and execute marketing campaigns that will help you grow your business. Our social media agency specializes in using the power of social media to create highly targeted campaigns designed to get you more customers and sales.