
Instagram Marketing for Real Estate Agents

Instagram marketing for real estate agents
  • Andre Kay
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Real estate marketing on Instagram is a lucrative industry. With Instagram being one of the most popular social media marketing and advertising platform, many real estate agents leverage its audience as a marketing tool.

Instagram has over 1.4billion monthly active users. This is a great opportunity for realtors to market their properties and show them to potential buyers.

Instagram can help you reach a wide audience, which can lead to more leads and higher sales. There are many ways realtors can use the platform to market their services and connect with potential customers.

Read on to find the best ways real estate agents can get clients on Instagram.

Create an ICP and Buyer Persona

Focus on your customer for the most success in real estate marketing on Instagram. Who is your target audience? What do they like? What do they dislike? Who do they follow on Instagram? What are their demographics? What problems do they face? What help do they need?

Instagram Marketing for Real Estate

Here is an example of what your ideal customer would look like:

I want to reach:

  • Celebrities
  • In the US living in Miami, Florida
  • Who has at least $200,000 yearly household income
  • And are at least 25 years
  • And also, have bought at least one house in their lifetime

To build a successful marketing campaign, it is important to know who you want to market to on Instagram. Knowing about your prospects and creating a buyer persona and ideal customer profile is crucial for Instagram marketing for realtors. To get the most out of your Instagram marketing campaign, you need to have a clear understanding of the people you are targeting. This is not something that should be taken lightly because it will have a huge impact on your sales.

Create the Right Instagram Strategy to Reach Your Ideal Customers

Next, you should create a robust strategy that will help you reach out to targeted ideal customers on Instagram as well as get more followers on the platform.

A solid Instagram strategy makes your marketing efforts powerful! In context, unplanned or poor strategy can lead to failure in reaching your ideal customers on Instagram.

Ask yourself.

Do you want to reach other business owners or real estate companies on Instagram? If so, it’s worth examining your B2B Instagram strategy and adopting a good one.

If you want to reach out to celebrities directly, then your strategy should be oriented towards customers: in other words, it would make sense for you to run a B2C Instagram campaign.

You can be successful with your real estate marketing on Instagram by following a clear, robust, and solid Instagram strategy, specifically for realtors.

Your strategy could be an inbound or outbound marketing strategy.

In outbound, you will be reaching out to prospects directly and inbound is waiting for them to contact you instead.

Examples of inbound/outbound marketing that can be carried on Instagram are:

  1. Sending DMs to qualified prospects about your property for sale,
  2. Organizing virtual tradeshows on Instagram,
  3. Visiting prospect websites on Instagram and contacting them directly,
  4. Running paid ads on Instagram,
  5. Growing your handle organically and posting regularly,
  6. Doing webinars on Instagram,
  7. Going live to showcase your available properties for sale…

Post High-quality Photos

As a real estate agent, it is important to make sure that your Instagram account has stunning photos. This will ensure that the content you are posting is of the highest quality and will give potential customers an idea of what they can expect when they buy the property.

Instagram Marketing for Real Estate
Real estate unsplash

A good photo is worth a thousand words, so it’s important to take your time when choosing the photography, you post on Instagram.

When you are posting, try to post a variety of different types of content. You can post demo photos, and beautiful exterior, and interior shots.

The key is not just posting the same thing over and over again on your account because that will make it seem unprofessional and spammy.

However, post-high-quality variants that are relevant to your brand, with good lighting, and have a high resolution.

Post Video Contents

The use of video content on Instagram has been proven to increase engagement with followers and it is also a great way to showcase the property you are selling.

If you’re looking for a way to get more traction and increase your sales on Instagram – then it’s time to start posting video content of the house or property you want to sell.

A video is a great way to showcase the property and its features. Having reels on Instagram is a smart move because it gets promoted more than images and other types of videos.

Instagram reels have many benefits including that the algorithm favors it, and people prefer concise videos. Reels can be shared easily with friends and family. Also, Instagram reels can gain more exposure within Facebook because they are owned and managed by Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram.

You can also post IGTV videos that last up to 10-60 minutes and show viewers a full overview of the property you are selling.

Leveraging video as part of your real estate Instagram marketing strategy will yield a positive result when done properly. When posting on Instagram, please ensure your video is descriptive, concise, and has a clear call to action.

Go Live on Instagram

When you go live on Instagram, your potential customers can see that a property is up for grabs in real-time. Prospects also have access to you so they can ask any questions they may have about your property. Most social media platforms love live-streamed videos because it is more realistic and authentic than other content on social media.

Read more: E-commerce is the future of online shopping – See why.

So, if you want to reach more people on Instagram, it’s imperative to go live regularly to showcase a live demo of the house or property you sell.

Advertise on Instagram

Instagram is a social networking site that has become famous for its visual-based content which is a perfect place to advertise your property. Instagram ad is a cost-effective way for real estate agents and businesses to promote their properties on the platform. 

Many real estate agents found that Instagram is a great way to advertise their properties for sale because it is a visual platform and the pictures and videos are more appealing than text.

These are the best type of audience you can target on Facebook and Instagram too.
Facebook ad audience.

Social media advertising can be very effective in reaching consumers and it is crucial to use the best advertising platform that is appropriate to your target audience. 

Social platforms like Instagram are excellent choices for real estate marketers because Instagram is a visual platform that allows you to publish and advertise visually.

Real estate is a competitive industry, which means that a lot of real estate agents and brokers are constantly looking for new ways to attract leads and convert prospects into customers. 

Instagram has become an essential part of social media marketing, but it is not easy to get customers on Instagram or get clients organically. 

Building an Instagram audience is tough, expensive, and time-consuming. You need to take high-quality photos, create a captivating bio, go live, and post high-quality images/videos which takes time to see results.

If you’re in the real estate industry, the solution is to advertise on Instagram.

Utilizing Instagram advertising that targets real estate audiences is a great way to broaden your reach and generate leads online

Sociallybuzz provides an affordable and easy solution for advertising real estate on Instagram. We have helped many customers like you generate more leads and revenue by leveraging Instagram and social media advertising.

Read more: Is social media advertising effective? See why social media ads are effective.

Here are some of our case studies:

Instagram Marketing for Real Estate
We used Facebook Ads and Google Ads to Drive Over 6 Figures in Sales for a B2B Brand.

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Instagram Marketing for Real Estate
We Used Social and Paid Media to Drive Over 1000 New Customers to the Grand Opening of a New Ice Cream Shop.

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Leverage Social Proofs

Customer testimonial – Sociallybuzz

Social Proofs are a powerful persuasion tactic that can help boost conversions in the real estate industry on Instagram. Testimonials from happy clients are a form of social proof that can be used to convince potential buyers.

A testimonial is a written or spoken statement, usually by someone who has experienced something of interest, and which is presented as evidence of the truth or quality of something.

You can always post and highlight your achievements by listing down the years of experience you have in the real estate industry, as well as areas served or the number of customers that have patronized you.

sociallybuzz recognitions
Sociallybuzz recognitions
Instagram Marketing for Real Estate
Clients served
Instagram Marketing for Real Estate
Featured on authoritative websites

All of these are social proofs that you need to post on social media to persuade and convince potential customers.

Use Hashtags Effectively

Another helpful real estate Instagram marketing strategy that works the best is to use hashtags that are descriptive of what you are selling.

Using the right hashtags for realtors will help you reach more prospects on Instagram.

For example, if you post a picture of a beautiful condo, you might use #homeoftheweek #realestate #condominium and #condo. These hashtags help you reach more buyers and sellers looking for homes like yours.

Instagram Marketing for Real Estate
Real estate hashtag top posts

Why hashtags are vital for real estate Instagram marketing is that top posts are featured above the fold, and people who could never have seen your offer could find you even if they’re not following you.

Best hashtags to use for realtors are: #realtors, #realestate, #realestateagent, #propertyforsale, #property4sale etc.

Instagram Marketing for Real Estate
Real estate agent hashtag on Instagram
Instagram Marketing for Real Estate
Realtor hashtag on Instagram

There are so many hashtags out there, the above are the most common ones you can use for your niche.

Cold Outreach

Outreaching to a well-targeted audience is another real estate Instagram marketing strategy that can land you whale clients without much work or investment.

All you have to do are three things:

  1. Make a list of your target or ideal customers on Instagram
  2. Send your messaging campaign to your prospects about available properties for sale
  3. Follow up with those that replied and nurture them to customers

When targeting prospects, you can go to their website from their profile on Instagram and contact them via email. This process is more effective than sending them “cold DMs” on Instagram.

Hunter.io lets you extract people’s email addresses from their websites, so you can send them email messages.

Copywriting and outbound messaging skills are essential to get the best results when utilizing cold outreach. Most people find it difficult to attract clients without those skills.

Pro tip: Start with a conversation at the first contact stage. Don’t pitch your product right away because most people will ignore the message. Begin with a problem your offer will solve for them or a bottleneck your offer will remove. Then present your offer as a solution to their problem or bottleneck.

How to sell real estate property on Instagram

So how can you sell your property on Instagram? Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Create an account and fill out your profile information
  • Include a link to your website in your bio or ask prospects to DM you on every post you publish
  • Post high-quality photos and videos of the property (exterior and interior), including pictures and video footage of any features that are unique to the house or property you are selling
  • Add captions with keywords about the property and include hashtags related to the property type you sell and the location of the property (e.g., #realestate #house #bungalow #miami #florida)
  • Reach out to qualified prospects and real estate brokers to facilitate the promotion
  • Run paid campaign to get more leads on Instagram

Summary: Instagram marketing for realtors

It takes time, effort, and money to get the desired result for your business on Instagram through social media marketing. Understanding and finding your ideal customer is not that easy, especially in the real estate industry.

However, with a good social media marketing strategy in place, and a clear understanding of your target audience, you can easily achieve your set goals without hassle.

About Sociallybuzz Social Media Agency

Sociallbuzz is the #1 social media company in Fort Lauderdale, that helps businesses grow using social media marketing and advertising

Sociallybuzz, launched in 2009, is a Social Media Management, Advertising, and Reputation Management Company. We exist to help businesses like yours grow using social media, data, and advertising.

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