
10 social media real estate hacks to attract new clients {Social media marketing for realtors}

social media marketing for realtors
  • Andre Kay
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Social media for realtors! Utilizing social media marketing for real estate agents is one of the most effective ways to acquire new clients in the real estate industry. 

And it’s not just about the content you post on social media, but how you post it.

Commenting on other people’s posts is a simple way to engage with your followers and build connections with other people in the real estate industry.

Social media is an essential marketing tool for industries, and real estate is not an exception.

Today, social media marketing is one of the most important aspects to succeed in this competitive industry.

Social media platforms provide an excellent opportunity for realtors and real estate agents to build their brand, advertise their properties, and get new clients online.

Social media advertising helps realtors in achieving accurate results by targeting the right audience, such as people looking for housing, interested in buying or selling properties, or those interested in renting an apartment.

What is the best social media platform for real estate? Among popular social media platforms, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube are some of the best social media platforms for realtors because they tend to be rich in imagery and videos.

Below are some ways realtors can use social media for acquiring real estate clients:

  • 1. Be transparent and natural when promoting your real estate offer
  • 2. Build real estate social community
  • 3. Be punctual in replying to comments
  • 4. Share real estate tips(Share links to articles about real estate trends)
  • 5. Tag people and brands in your real estate location
  • 6. Leverage YouTube SEO to attract new clients
  • 7. Utilize social media advertising
  • 8. Partner with influencers
  • 9. Be consistent and active
  • 10. Post aesthetic graphics(Share videos/images of the property)

Tip #1 for social media marketing for realtors – Be transparent and natural

Many people are now turning to social media platforms to find their next home. With that, real estate agents should be transparent and natural in promoting their real estate business on social media. 

The more transparency an agent can show, the more trust their customers will have for them.

As a real estate agent, you need to show the benefits and disadvantages of buying a house in a particular community.

This way, the customers can see both sides of the story without visiting different websites to get information about what they want to buy.

The complete information realtors can provide for home buyers, the better.

Tip #2 for social media for real estate agents – Build real estate social community

Websites like LinkedIn, Reddit, and Facebook enable real estate agents to build a sizable social community of potential buyers. Social media allow realtors to win new customers and nurture the ones they already have.

With a more substantial social media presence, it’s easier for real estate agents to market their properties and connect with potential customers.

Being present on social media channels is the first step in winning new and nurturing existing customers.

Tip #3 for real estate social media marketing – Be responsive

It is crucial to stay on top of social media channels and adequately respond to your prospects.

For example, if they ask you a question about real estate on Twitter, make sure your replies are directed to them on time; this makes an impression on your prospect that you listen to their needs.

If they have questions for you, answer them right away, so they don’t have to go searching for an answer elsewhere.

Even though you might not be able to answer all of your prospects’ questions on social media, you must do your best to get back to them as quickly and efficiently as possible.

You can improve your response time by linking your social media accounts, enabling auto-response settings, and updating the status on your account with FAQs. 

If you offer your prospects more feedback, more people will return and ask for more information about real estate, which is more potential real estate clients!

Take the time to respond to people’s questions about real estate problems. You will soon find yourself with a list of potential real estate clients to convert to customers on social media!

Tip #4 for social media and real estate – Share real estate tips

Real estate agents need to keep up with the digital age and educate their audience on social media about real estate. 

Real estate agents need to provide their audience with tips on purchasing a property after ascertaining the need for research and following the process diligently.

Realtors can share guides about buying a house the right way on social media to update their audience with helpful information they need!

As a realtor, providing your prospects/customers with helpful tips can help them make the right decision when purchasing a house or real estate property.

Tip #5 for social media real estate marketing – Tag people and brands

Tag or mention niche-relevant local influencers or social media accounts that are in context with the location of your real estate business.

For example, if you live in Austin, Texas, you could mention accounts with a large following in that area.

Providing a shout-out on social media will incentivize them to share or retweet your post, attracting more people to your real estate business.

Tip #6 for social media marketing for real estate agents – Leverage YT SEO

YouTube is a popular platform to publish video content, and it has become a powerful tool for real estate agents.

YouTube has over 2 billion users and is snowballing.

Publish videos on YouTube and use them as your primary social media platform for real estate marketing.

Youtube is the largest video search engine globally, and it is an excellent social media platform to build a solid online presence for your real estate business.

Tip #7 for real estate social media advertising – Utilize social media advertising

Social media advertising is a popular marketing tool for real estate agents nowadays. You can reach out to your target audience without paying for expensive ad space.

There are different social media advertising strategies to leverage based on your goal.

The most common types of social media advertising are promoted tweets, in-mail ads, carousel ads, and boosted posts.

Is social media advertising effective?

Social media advertising is a cheaper and more practical option for companies because they can reach a larger audience on a given platform.

One way that brands would advertise in the past was by using print media. However, with the rise of social media, many people can now use their social media networks as a platform to promote their products.

In 2021, over 4.48 billion people use social media to connect and network.

Over the years, we have seen a tremendous and incredible increase rate of 115.59% of social media users from 2015.

No question about it, realtors using social media for real estate advertising are on the right track because they can reach a much bigger audience than their local competition.

Using social media advertising, let’s help you acquire targeted real estate customers today!

Tip #8 for social media marketing for realtors – Partner with influencers

Realtors should partner with influencers to promote their real estate business. Influencers are social media users who have a significant following on either Instagram, TikTok, Youtube, or any other social media platform.

They use their influence to promote brand products and services on social media.

A realtor can partner with social media influencers for many reasons.

For one, the influencer might have a large following interested in buying or renting homes or property.

The realtor can use the influencer’s audience to promote themselves and their properties.

Another reason is that influencers might know the best ways to promote themselves because they already do it on social media sites.

Partnering with social media influencers makes it easier for realtors to reach more real estate audiences.

Tip #9 for social media for real estate agents – Be consistent and active on social media

Do you want a sustainable customer base for your business?

 It is crucial to be active on social media. Potential customers can find you and stay up-to-date with the latest news through these platforms(be consistent!)

As a small business, you compete with more prominent companies, so you must be consistently active on social media to give your business a quick lift ahead.

You should spend at least 1-2 hours per day on social media.

You should also try to post more often than once per week or month because people will stop following your page if they don’t see any activity from you for an extended period.

Also, be sure to post at the right time when more people are on their feeds so that your posts will get seen by a considerable amount of audience.

Consistency is the key to social media. Publish real estate content regularly to warm up your audience and win new clients.

Tip #10 social media marketing ideas for real estate agents – Post-eye-catchy graphics

Real estate agents are often judged by the aesthetic nature of their posts. Real estate agents should post more eye-catchy images with less text to stay ahead of the competition.

Realtors should always post pictures of their listings taken from the front yard, inside the home, and outside for potential customers to see how beautiful their homes are from different points of view.

Benefits of social media marketing for real estate agents

The benefit of using social media for your real estate business is reaching people looking for homes in your area. 

And you can make more money with the help of social media by selling properties because your customers are online on different social media platforms looking for real estate property to buy!

Summary – Social media marketing tips for realtors and real estate

When it comes to social media, real estate agents have a lot of things to take care of – they have to find new clients, keep their existing ones happy, and grow their businesses.

To do all that, they’re going to need help from a social media marketing company like ours.

A social media agency will help real estate agents build their social media presence and acquire more clients.

Social media is the number one tool for real estate agents to increase their visibility and find new leads

There are many ways to leverage social media to build your real estate business; it has become a powerful tool for realtors to generate more leads and increase their reach and visibility.

Let’s have a free social media consultation for your real estate business.

Contact us for social media marketing for realtors!