
Sociallybuzz Website Donation To Bridge To Hope Charity

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  • Andre Kay
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We’re not Drake, but.. (No, we didn’t donate $1 Million Dollars)

Before I tell you what we did, let’s look at what Drake did. For those who don’t know, Drake is currently one of the most successful musicians of our generation (Yes, I know this might be up for debate). Recently his record label gave him $1 Million to shoot his music video. Instead of using that money to shoot the video, he donated it to various organizations and people in South Florida. It was a very generous, kind-hearted and humanitarian thing to do.

We’re not Drake, and we didn’t donate a million dollars,  but it felt like it. Sociallybuzz is so big on giving back, that we even started the Sociallybuzz giveback program about three years ago with a commitment to pledge 1% of our Time, Talents and Treasures to charitable causes in our community and our world.

We strongly believe in giving our time, talents and treasures to help the human race live, learn and love better. We’re not doing this to look cool, we’re doing this because it’s the right thing to do. It’s for the greater good. – Andre Kay / CEO of Sociallybuzz

Sociallybuzz’s philanthropic efforts extend to giving back to families in need. We’ve donated hundreds of turkeys yearly to families in South Florida, read books to children, pack/sort food for the homeless, work with Hands-on Broward Organization, Feeding South Florida and created a giveback partnership with charity organization Bridge to Hope in Miami.

Bridge To Hope is a phenomenal organization, not only for what they do for the community but because of the people behind it.

I’ve known Vanessa Tinsley, Executive Director and Founder of Bridge to Hope for almost two years now. Since we’ve met her and her husband Pastor Mark, they are always doing amazing things for the community. They work tirelessly to support the community, even when they don’t have it. Their selfless act of providing over 600K pounds of food to families affected by Hurricane Irma last year, in addition to the countless amount of people they’ve helped are some of the reasons we should still have faith in humanity.

I’ve overheard Vanessa mentioned a few times how impactful a new website would be to her organization but didn’t want to spend the money on a website if she can donate that money for other things that can help more people. So in October 2017, Sociallybuzz partnered with Hype Media Group to secretly build an entirely new website for the organization.

We raced to complete 70% of the website by December since we wanted to unveil the website at the Sociallybuzz holiday party. We invited Vanessa and husband Pastor Mark to the dinner. They had no idea what was about to happen.

Then, after an emotional speech, we finally revealed the new website to them. Words can’t explain the emotions felt in the room. They were shocked, in awe, lost for words and I believe Vanessa might have even shed a tear. That’s how appreciated she was of this new website, not because of the design or functions, but she immediately knew what this meant to her organization and the countless families that depended on them for the next meal, clothing, education, and help. This would also help to open a lot more doors to build more partnerships and drive more donations.

“We can’t tell you how excited we are to be a partner with somebody like you, not just for the incredible work that you do, but your heart. I just feel like all the people that come to you they are very lucky because not only are they getting incredible social media, but every time they work with you, they help our world to be a better place.” – Vanessa Tinsley, Bridge To Hope

In addition to building this entirely new website for the organization from the ground up, we’re also giving them website management for life. This is just our small token to show our appreciation for all they do.

Please watch this heartfelt video from Vanessa Tinsley, Executive Director and Founder of Bridge to Hope:

You can check out Bridge To Hope’s brand new website here (WWW.BRIDGETOHOPE.NET)

While you’re on the site, I encourage you to donate to this fantastic organization.

So rest sure that anytime you support Sociallybuzz, whether being a client or using our services, parts of those proceeds are going back to our community.

Some snippets I grab from the video:

“I’m really excited that Sociallybuzz had a vision for helping the community and helping us get the word out, and help us to feed all of these people and renovate all these units and do all kinds of amazing things.” – Vanessa Tinsley, Bridge To Hope

“Since you guys got the website up, we’ve literally got calls from all over the country. Foundations are seeing the work we’re doing, and they are reaching out to us, and guess what; they are FUNDING our efforts” – Vanessa Tinsley, Bridge To Hope